
Mark chapter 2 1st 43, why did jesus sent him away and told him not to tell anyone
Mark chapter 2 1st 43, why did jesus sent him away and told him not to tell anyone

mark chapter 2 1st 43, why did jesus sent him away and told him not to tell anyone mark chapter 2 1st 43, why did jesus sent him away and told him not to tell anyone

The setting for the first prediction is somewhere near Caesarea Philippi, immediately after Peter proclaims Jesus as the Messiah. Ultimately, no consensus has emerged among scholars. Meanwhile, other scholars analyze these arguments and present a different view, and believe these sayings are historical. Some scholars, such as Walter Schmithals, suggest a redactional formulation of the author, though Schmithals states there are "vexxing questions" relating to the sayings. Scholars note that this Gospel also contains verses in which Jesus appears to predict his Passion and suggest that these represent the earlier traditions available to the author. In the Gospel of Mark, generally agreed to be the earliest Gospel, written around the year 70, Jesus predicts his death three times, recorded in Mark 8:31-33, 9:30-32 and 10:32-34. Matthew's Gospel adds a prediction, before he and his disciples enter Jerusalem, that he will be crucified there. There are several references in the Synoptic Gospels (the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke) to Jesus predicting his own death, the first two occasions building up to the final prediction of his crucifixion. Events in the Synoptic Gospels Early Christian Catacomb painting of Jesus and his disciples, pre-third century

Mark chapter 2 1st 43, why did jesus sent him away and told him not to tell anyone