
Age of wonders 3 leader classes
Age of wonders 3 leader classes

age of wonders 3 leader classes age of wonders 3 leader classes

I see what you are saying the advanced button after either new campaign, scenario, random map. Guess you need to work on your reading skills

age of wonders 3 leader classes

No smart mouth it isn't called map settings has nothing to do with map type. Having everything random forces adaptation. No resurgancy on heroes(resurgency is for wimps) I guess not to many of you play random map mode do you play a scenario then? You need to work on your communication skill. When you start a random map in the start menu (or do any of you play map mode? maybe you all play campaign?) Anywa,y in "random map" where you choose a map type to play on with the AI and as race etc all in the start menu for new game what do you pick for "game flow"? Originally posted by zhligw:No, you aren't understanding my question.

Age of wonders 3 leader classes